The Creation Process

  1. 3D Design and Planning:
    • Digital Construction: Our jewellers use CAD software to create a detailed three-dimensional model of the engagement ring. This is where the ring is built around your finger size, and the coronet is built specifically to the diamond you have selected. This results in an ideal setting every time.
  1. 3D Printing or Wax Injection Moulding: The approved digital design is translated into a physical prototype using the latest in wax printing technology. We are then left with a wax model.
  1. Lost Wax Casting:
    • Mold Creation: The wax model is used to create a mould through a process called lost wax casting. The mould is typically made of plaster or investment material and is baked at over 700°c.
    • Metal Casting: The mould is heated to remove the wax or plastic, leaving behind a negative space. Molten metal at over 1100°c is then poured into the mould, taking the shape of the original prototype as it solidifies.

          4. Diamond Setting:

      • Stone Selection: After casting, the jeweller carefully sets the diamonds into the ring. During the digital construction phase, the diamond dimensions were built into the setting design. This results in an ideal setting every time.

            5. Finishing and Polishing:

        • Shaping and Refinement: The rough cast ring is shaped and refined to ensure symmetry and accuracy in line with the original design.
        • Polishing: The ring undergoes a meticulous polishing process to enhance the metal's lustre, creating a smooth and reflective surface. This step brings out the true beauty of the metal and gemstones.


      This updated process incorporates modern technologies like 3D design and printing, providing a more precise and efficient means of creating the initial prototype. The combination of traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge techniques results in a stunning and precisely crafted engagement ring.